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"Metrawesome" would have been a better title.

That aside... The visuals definitely convey Egoraptor's style adequately.
The voices were allright.
However, the humor just... isn't the same. For one thing, mentioning how many times one dies in any given videogame isn't a particularly amusing way to convey a videogame, since one can pull the same feat in practically any videogame (depending on the difficulty level of the game, and of course how badly the player sucks at it).
More Metroid-specific jokes would have been funnier; the Ridley gag was allright, for one thing. Another example of something Metroid-specific could be a scenario involving the Morph Ball, for instance. (Such as... HOW the hell can a person wearing such a large suit of armor roll into such a tiny ball?)

So yeah... All in all, not bad.
I like your choice of subject matter, but you could have done more with it.

Horsenwelles responds:

i was thinking about doing that as a third sketch (as one of the screw ups mentioned), where she tries to roll out of the spawn chamber, then she unrolls, and its a bloody mess, but i diddnt have time... i might actually update it with that in there.

Huzzah, it's up!

Well, most of it, at least.
Feels good to finally watch a new IMP episode again, I was beginning to feel rusty. ;P
So, you're gonna pad part 2 up with some bonus filler, huh?
Sounds neat, can't wait to see what you'll have thought up for it by then. =)
Of course, if you never said anything about having to use filler scenes, your audience would never have to know the difference between the old and the revised script. ;D But ohwell.

RogerregoRRoger responds:

Yeah, I tought this would be the year of the return of IMP with many episodes planned, but it got less then I hoped for.
Ah well. O_o;

Smooth preview.

Well now. You managed to whip up something rather decent, there.
Nice job on the voices, Sprite work looks allright, and hey - you've got my interest in wanting to see the full thing, too.
Just promise me that you're not gonna write in a character of your own as that boyfriend for Amy you mentioned.
People doing that are so freaking lame. X_X

...But hey, I didn't come here to rant about that. Nice job, and keep up the good work. =P

Sparx-1 responds:

Thanks for the compliments! And I'm not telling yet who amy's new BF is, may or may not be a dude I made up, and it won't be NiGHTS...

Hey, much better!

Quite useful tutorial, that. The expressions and hands in particular, will certainly come in handy.

And hey, you're from the Netherlands too? =P

RenBB responds:

Yeah im chill, sup with you? :P thanks for the review

Not bad...

That's a pretty well stylized way to draw those squishy dudes. =P
I like the games, but I never did try drawing them... might give it a shot.

RenBB responds:

and thank you 2. Hmm why does my score is low but the reviews high? :p


Good job on the captioning on the top. You shoulda done that from the start. ;P

Shouldn't Knuckles be able to fix the emeralds? ;D

Uhm... small typo in one of Zero's lines there... Sigma's gonna pay for what he's done to Sigma? XD

Anyway, I had a longer review typed up, but then my connection failed me and it got erased. Dammit!
Anyway, great job, can't wait to see the next episode, and keep up the awesome work!

Yoshiking2 responds:

Your right. I should have but i wasn't that good back then. I got a lot better and most likely i will use that still of text from now on. That typo is very accurate. The size is too big to go back and fix it. So it's pretty much final. HAHAHA

Thanks a lot for your review and have a nice day

Man. Are we stuck in a rut, or what?

Well, I don't really know what to say.
On one side, I love this. The animation's great, comedy's good as usual, and there's even a bit of action, although not all too much this time around.

On the other side...
It... doesn't seem to have the zany madcap hilarity I've come to love, and am incidentally part of.
I'm not saying it wasn't funny though, on the contrary.
The Falling Johnny running gag was brilliantly executed, the way how the Ultimate Overlord was actually a nerd was fun, and ZoDy messing around with the doctors in the Labor Room was well done, too.

But it was really clear that this episode was mainly made to introduce the new characters in, instead of simply pleasing the public.
Ahwell, I guess every series needs a "slow" episode every now and then to catch up on story issues.
They can't all be gems, can they? =P

At any rate... The voices....
...Man. They're not as horrible as Misteroo makes it seem, (and Arfenhouse is freaking funny, but sound-wise, they're no gems, either...) and I really like how actual girls are willing to do the female voicelines lately, but... well, it'd be nice if they put a bit more feeling into it. ^_^;
It's called voice ACTING for a reason.
That, and the breathing kinda bothered me, as it did everyone else.
I see Hol fixed his lines a bit though, that was a pleasant surprise.

Ahwell. All in all... I hope the next one'll turn out better, and hereby I'm calling out to all our voiceacting crew to please make it sound like you actually care about what you're saying. ^_^;

Oh, and the links on the end of the movie don't work. ;o
Well, that's about it. Good fun.
And everyone, remember to hail the shoe!


RogerregoRRoger responds:

Well, tough you said you was depresive when you said this, i have no other choice then to agree with you.

The reason why the most girls sound like they don't care. is because the simple reason that, unlike you, they haven't seen the episode but just the lines in one email, which learns me, how much more convenient this is for voice actors, i have to demand them to watch the actual flash at least once..

Second, yes the episode was for storywise.. Lot's of talking, but hey, it's no Dragonball Z or Yu gi oh talking at least ^_^;;

so eh..yeah.. you know the next episode, so you know if that one got more action then this one, do ya? ^^;

...How did I miss this one?

Must have not been paying attention lately.
Anyway, even though I had already seen about half of what was in there, what's new was hilarious, even tough late. But ohwell.

And w00t, Cameo once more! Yay! XD

RogerregoRRoger responds:

what suprises me more is that you DID find it on newgrounds, but not on deviantart, while it's much harder the find it here O_o


It's a funny tribute, albeit very, very... VERY short.

The movie reminds me of an old 7Up commercial starring "Fido Dido".
In there though, he actually kicked the tip off the pencil when the artist wanted to add extra crap. XD

Pretty nifty.

TomSka responds:

Ha ha, Yeah, I suppose thats the plot of this one! Basicly Johnny doesn't take any shit and isn't going to let himself fall into the old pensil-mation style movie where things get rubbed out and added in all the time!

That and I was too damn lazy too animate all that..


Awesome. Just... plain awesome.

Well guys, I must say that you've done an excellent job on this one.
I agree with the guys at MC, this has got to be your best work so far. =)
And despite your minor disagreements so I've been hearing, you two seem to make a good team.

Well, maybe this'll even become a running series!
Who knows, eh? At any rate, I'm sure you learned more by making this as well, I certainly saw some Flashing techniques you've never seemed to have tried before.

And like I said, Luc's a valuable ally... when he doesn't nitpick -too- much, anyway. ;D (Just kidding, man. :D )

Oh, and finally... A regular feature in my reviews I like to do is taking the piss at some recent asshole reviewers while making a review of my own. Here we go!

It sucked like British Man Whore? I'm sure you know lots about those kind of people.

Brandon Margera?
Wow. So you're not even a Jackass, you're a Jackass WANNABE. Yeah, we're sure as hell gonna take YOU seriously.
Go and make your crappy Flashmovie, and be sure to let us know when it's done so we can point and laugh at you.

Warlock Manga;

There's a special ring of hell reserved for Super Saiyan wannabe's.

Nintendo Clock:
You disgrace the name of Nintendo with your lack of a sense of humor. Get off my planet.

You didn't like it, fine. But know what the hell you're talking about before you go saying that Roger can't take criticism.

That'll be all from me for now, have a nice day!

RogerregoRRoger responds:

Heh, thanks H, always nice to have more people scream on these idiots, tough i doubt they will read it.. Running series? Well there is a sequel in the planning, but Luc and i gonna swift roles, so he's dgonna draw everything and I am gonna nitpick.Hehe, meaning i have plenty time left to work on Imp :)

Hey, I'm H Hog. I'm not too skilled in using Flash itself, but I dabble in some voicework for a few popular cartoons, mostly Sonic-related. You may have heard my voice in stuff like International Moron Patrol, Waffle X, or Frobman's Sonic in Brief series.

Age 40, Male

Voiceactor, Dataentr

I work.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Joined on 10/21/00

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